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A new learning side-project in Rust

Aug 31 2024

A new side project I’ve really wondered what my own concrete contribution to the technological landscape could be. I’m certainly limited in time and resources, but there is much that needs to be done. I hoped to come up with a project I could reasonably accomplish on my own, that would make a meaningful impact. I believe I have found that project. One of the languages I spent time learning the basics of was Rust.

We Don't Love RSS Enough


Apr 30 2024

We Don’t Love RSS Enough If you’re reading this, you probably do, but someone you send this to might not. There are many compelling reasons to use RSS which is a permission-less open protocol for sharing multimedia. RSS is a phenomenally powerful extension of the basic web that can enable a much more democratized and honest media landscape. Adoption been on an incredible upswing since more people have decided to run their own independent web sites.

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